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MOSCOW (ILO News) - "Today, we are facing a global jobs crisis that calls for a global response", ILO Director-General Juan Somavia told the meeting of G8 Ministers of Labour and Employment here.

Mr. Somavia said both developing and industrialized countries face decent work challenges, adding "despite four years of very respectable growth worldwide, we are not really eating into the global decent work deficit. We need to tackle head on this disconnect between economic and employment growth".

While the global GDP grew by more than 4 per cent, the global unemployment rate of 6.3 per cent has remained unchanged over the past two years, says a background report prepared for the meeting*/.

What's more, this jobless growth is only the tip of the iceberg. According to the report, the number of working poor living on less than 2US$ per day, per person is eight times higher than the number of persons who are openly unemployed.

Among other challenges facing the global labour market Mr. Somavia cited the increase in unregistered informal work, an expected increase of 430 million new entrants to the global labour force in the next 10 years and an increase in unemployed youth. Over 13 per cent of the 630 million youth labour force are unemployed - two to four times higher than for adult workers.

Referring to international labour migration, Mr. Somavia noted that it had its origin in the lack of jobs at home. Better growth and more jobs in developing countries would allow for a more rational and less emotional management of the "migrant question" in developed countries.

The ILO Director-General also emphasized the need for "convergent, fair and balanced policies and adjustment strategies in a fast changing world of work". Adjustment should be fair to everybody - governments, workers, enterprises and consumers. "This is a key aspect of the social dimension of globalization", he said.

According to Mr. Somavia, both, coordinated international action as well as strong national policies are required to address these issues. The ILO Director-General underlined the vital leadership role of G8 countries in providing the technical and financial support to realize decent work objectives as a foundation for poverty reduction and development.

"Gradually, the significance of the decent work agenda is seeping into the consciousness of development policy planners and is becoming a regional and global political priority", Mr. Somavia noted. The 2005 UN World Summit gave its strong backing to a fair globalization and the decent work agenda.

"I am convinced that your leadership, your voice, your conviction, as G8 Ministers of Labour and Employment, can play major role in guiding us in this global quest for Decent Work". The ILO Director-General said.

The Meeting of G8 Ministers of Labour and Employment was held in Moscow on 9-10 October to discuss productive employment as a factor of economic growth and social cohesion. The program included ministerial consultations with the social partners. Presentations were made by Russian and international employers' and workers' organizations, heads of G8 delegations, the ILO, European Commission and OECD. The Russian Delegation at the meeting was headed by Health and Social Development Minister Mikhail Zourabov.

*/ Growth and Decent Work: Strengthening the Linkage, International Labour Office, Background Paper for the Meeting of G8 Ministers of Labour and Employment, Moscow, October 9-10, 2006.
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