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Szerző: Kertész Dalma
Megjelent: 12 éve

Az interjú angolul

Young workers from all over the world - Kristian Sylvest, a student in Denmark

- Where are you from and which part of the country do you live in? What is your line of work or are you still studying?

- I live in Denmark in the 4th biggest city which is called Aalborg. Currently I am studying communication and media. Prior to studying I was working in IT and Sales.

- How is your career progressing? What is your degree in? What school did you go to? What did you want to be when you were a child? Have you managed to realise your dreams or did you just go with the flow?

- This is an interesting question! As a child I was very much a dreamer and there was pretty much only one thing I wanted to be, which was a professional footballer. In terms of whether I managed to realize that dream the answer of course is simple. I did not. I never wanted to be a fireman, or a policeman or perhaps a politician, which many young boys might dream of, so I guess you could say I went with the flow and embraced whatever possibilities I encountered. In that regard my career is at a point where I need to start defining it more specifically, whereas the studies I'm following will grant access to a wide range of working possibilities within media or marketing.

- What kind of opportunities did you have for continuing your studies? How much of a sacrifice was it for your family to finance your education, or did you have to work while studying? How does the higher education system work in your country? Did you have to pay for tuition?

- In Denmark all education at high school level and above is financed by the state. You do not pay to go to school (only through taxes). Also the state grants all students a small amount of money every month, which is enough to live on, assuming you don't live too extravagantly. The amount is determined by such things as; do you live with your parents? do you have children of your own?

The only time one's family has to pay for you to go to school is in the lower grades. And in the lower grades you still have the possibility to send your child to a public school if you can't afford a more expensive one.

- What are your living conditions like? What is your salary like compared to the average? How much money can you save? What you are saving for?

- Well. I am a student and therefore it is limited how much I can work and how much I can save. Personally, I only work occasionally, and whether I do or not depends on where I live (how expensive my rent is). I need time to focus on my studies, and therefore I earn just enough money to get by every month. If I can I put a little amount aside every month, which mainly is for travelling, or just to have some savings in case I need than some day.

- Are the people around you happy and content? What kind of hardships do you face on an everyday bases?

- In general, students are some of the happiest people in Denmark, I think.

- How big a problem is unemployment where you are living? What are the problems on the labour market in your country? How does the government support the unemployed? What are the unemployment benefits like? How successful do you think they are?

- Like most of Europe in these times, Denmark also has big problems with unemployment. It is as high as ever, in pretty much every line of work. I think that unemployed people in Denmark have it very good compared to many other countries.

Basically, if you are unemployed you can get money every month from the state with very little effort, like just confirming every few weeks that you are still TRYING to get a job. The smallest amount of money you can get, as unemployed, is just a bit higher than what you get as a student.

- Do you like your job? Do you like working in your current environment? What's the work morale like? How flexible or strict are your working hours? How many days can you take off a year? What is your relationship like with your colleagues?

- I'll answer this shortly since I don't have a job at the moment. Basically no matter what job you are in, you are guaranteed at least 3 weeks vacation a year.

- What is your day like? What are your most important responsibilities of work? What do you do after work? What do you like doing most in your free time? Does it cause any problems keeping your work-life balance?

- As a student I pretty much don't have any free time at all, or you can say I only have free time. (I think this question is meant for fulltime jobs)

- What are your plans for your future? What are your career prospects? Are there any possibilities for advancement at work? What is your goal in life?

- I do not like this question. I wrote earlier that I as a child just went with the flow. I still do that. I try to embrace the opportunities that come up so that I make the most of as many things as possible. If I try and compress all these questions down to what my dream job would be (aside from being a football player), I would very much like to be working in making movies. Luckily that is also one of the career doors that should open up to me once I have finished studying. My goal in life is, in short, to always be able to look back at what I've been doing with as little regret and resentment as possible.

- Could you imagine living abroad? Why would you, or wouldn't you leave?

- I definitely could. I have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity for a short time a few years ago. I would do it for the unique experience of seeing and feeling a different culture up close. I would do it to get a breath of fresh air. I would do it to get away from the Danish weather.

In the end, it would depend on a lot of things. If by the time I am finished with my education, and it's not possible to get a good job in Denmark, I would definitely look at opportunities abroad, as well.

A reason not to do it would of course be that you might leave a lot behind, like the people you care about and who, in return, care about you. In general, the most important point for me when moving somewhere new is to put a lot of effort into creating a new social life. A wise person once told me that a place is only as good as its people.

Cikkünk több oldalas! Lapozzon!
1. oldal - Karrierutak a világ országaiban - egy tanuló Dániából
2. oldal - Az interjú angolul
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