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2009. szeptember 8. - 2009. szeptember 9.
HRevolution 2009 - The Renewal Factor

Helyszín: Budapest Congress and World Trade Centre Szervező: Oxygen Business Perspectives Ltd

Facilitator: Darren Briggs

Subject: Leadership/Internal Communications

In 1987, Robert Waterman's bestselling book 'The Renewal Factor' led the way in challenging business to place innovation and "informed optimism" into the heart of organizations' in order to remain competitive. With more and more organizations' taking tough decisions and making changes to navigate the current marketplace, the relationship a company has with its employees is being taken to the limit.

Fuelled by growing levels of redundancy, pay freezes and budget cuts, the level of optimism and trust in business today is arguably at an all time low. In this forward looking workgroup we will explore how progressive organizations' can renew the overused vow of people being their most important asset. We will also uncover some of the myths associated with employee engagement and focus on the role of business leaders in renewing employee optimism, confidence and belief through inspirational communication.

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