kapubanner for mobile

2009. szeptember 30.

Excel in English for Controllers

Helyszín: Budapest Szervező: Erényi Stella, +3612124412

The goal of this course, assuming you are comfortable with excel basics, is to learn how to organize and manage your data on a higher level. We will learn how to customize toolbars, charts, create custom lists and custom number formats.

We also cover conditional formatting, advanced filtering, hiding and grouping your data and the essentials to manipulating your data, including but not limited to COUNTIF, SUMIF, logical (AND, OR, IF), lookup (VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP) functions, and a quick look at pivot tables.

További információ:

Erényi Stella
Telefon: +3612124412
Fax: +3612125071
Email: [email protected]