More migrant workers could be needed in Hungary in 2025: this is how the recruiter from the Philippines sees it
Recruitment of Filipino guest workers to Hungary has slowed in the last six months, but Philippine recruiter Rowena Paragas expects a new surge by 2025. The managing director of NYD International spent several weeks in Hungary in September and visited our newsroom. She said that the Hungarian visa process is the most efficient in the region, that smaller Hungarian companies are starting to discover Filipinos, and that company managers are raving about their productivity and work ethic. But it is not only working relationships that are being established, there are also examples of Hungarian-Filipino marriages.
Ten months ago we interviewed you for the first time. What has changed in the labour market concerning the Philippines and Hungary since then?
Tens of thousands of Filipinos have realised that Hungary and the Central European region are a good choices when considering working abroad. Other countries in the region - from Slovenia to the Czech Republic - have also started to show interest in Filipino guest workers. But it's not just on the job front that things have changed: I sense that Budapest has become a popular destination for wealthier Filipinos. Hungary is a safe country.
For what purpose have you arrived in Hungary now?
I came as part of a Philippine trade delegation covering 23 industries. I was and I'am looking for partners for guest worker recruitment in Hungary and several EU countries. From the discussions so far, it seems that from the 23 industries, Hungarian businesses are most interested in the Filipino labour force.
How much has the import of guest workers changed in the last year?
Guest workers are still coming to Hungary, but in smaller numbers than last year, around a couple of hundred a month. The clientele has also changed. In the last two years, it has been mainly large multinational companies that have recruited the most. Now the big ones have slowed down because of the economic difficulties, especially the downturn in car production. Tenders have been invited, but they are waiting for a decision. In contrast, interest in small and medium-sized firms - especially in the hospitality, hotel, and agriculture sectors - has increased over the last six months. Typically, they ask for fewer than ten workers and they try them out in the first round.
What are the prospects for the next year?
Talking to partners during my current visit, it looks like there could be a big jump in 2025 when the demand for Filipino guest workers could increase significantly.
What do Hungarian business leaders think about Filipino workers?
Everybody I talk to raves about them, they are very satisfied with them in terms of efficiency, perseverance, work ethic, and integration. According to the managers of several companies with a German background, Filipinos produce 30 percent more than other workers.
In January this year, a new Aliens Act came into force in Hungary. To what extent has the administration changed? How is it perceived from the other side?
It's working fine. Hungarian practice is the best and most efficient in the region. Employers in neighbouring countries are envious of how smoothly the administration is running. The turnaround time for a project is two months, in other countries, it can be up to six months with uncertain outcomes. This is a real competitive advantage for Hungary in the region. Let me take this opportunity to thank the staff of the Hungarian Embassy in Manila, especially Ambassador Titanilla Tóth and Consul Balázs Rátkai.
What problems do you see in recruitment?
One thing that discourages people a little is that employment in Hungary is for a maximum of three years, with no possibility of extension, resettlement, or family reunification. In addition, other countries offer higher salaries. I hope that wages will come closer to those in neighbouring countries.
Speaking of salaries, why would a Filipino choose Hungary over Germany when he can earn at least twice as much?
A cheaper living in Hungary, more opportunities for skilled work, no need to speak German. Germany needs mainly skilled workers, and it is mainly in health care, elderly care and these fields that you need to know some level of German.
The Philippine Migrant Workers Office will soon open in Budapest. What is the significance of this?
It is under the Department of Migrant Workers, a government agency with an overseas extension arm. Due to the increased demand for migrant workers in Hungary, a representative office will be established in Budapest. For the time being, it will be housed in the embassy building, and then it is expected to have its own office. A launch event was held in Budapest on 26 September, with the official opening likely to take place in October.
The MWO aims to assist the accreditation process. In fact, if a Hungarian employer or intermediary wants to recruit Filipino workers, it can only do so if it is accredited in the Philippines. Among other things, it proves that it is operating legally and that it provides fair working conditions and wages for guest workers. Accreditation is available through the MWO office, where employers can also get professional support. So far, Hungarian employers have been able to do this through the MWO in Milan. I hope that with the launch of the office, the process will be more efficient, faster and cheaper.
As the manager of a company with 10 employees, if I ask you to hire 4 Filipino guest workers, what can you do?
In Hungary, we work mainly with qualified temporary employment agencies, but we are happy to help anyone who needs Filipino workers. We draw from a database of 200,000 CVs, there is no job or number of employees that we cannot serve.
The first step, as I mentioned, is to get the Hungarian company accredited by the Philippine government. In addition, you need to indicate your recruitment needs, how many, and what skills you need. We will prepare all the documentation for this. And of course, there is the Hungarian official paperwork that the partner has to do.
Do I have to be present at the selection in the Philippines?
It is advisable for a larger number of people. But in the world of videoconferencing, good decisions can also be made in video interviews. For example, forklift truck operators can be asked to do a mock job in a specified warehouse, and candidates can attach a video of their skills. If the job is assembling a tool, it is a good practice for the company to send the tool and the candidates assemble it here.
How much difficulty do they perceive in getting professional certificates recognised?
It is a lengthy process, which makes it difficult to bring Filipino workers here, for example in elderly care, and in skilled work. For example, the Gulf countries recognise vocational qualifications obtained in the Philippines. This process should definitely be simplified.
Have you heard that there is sometimes a debate in Hungarian politics about the employment of guest workers? There are voices that they are taking away the jobs of Hungarians.
We do not deal with politics. Our job is to recruit the most suitable Filipino workers for the position in the given numbers and on time. I agree that Hungarian employers should come to us once they cannot recruit enough Hungarians for the job. However, if there are not enough workers, guest workers can also save Hungarian jobs. If they do not come, factories would close and investors would move production to other countries.
According to statistics, the number of Filipino guest workers working in Hungary has already exceeded 10,000. Do you keep in touch with those who have been sent here? How do they feel?
Of course, we don't let go of their hands even if they are already employed by a Hungarian company. Almost all of those who signed a two-year contract have extended for a third year. We have a group on social media where we constantly post and report on their experiences, and monitor their living and working conditions. Overall, the guest workers are very happy with the conditions in Hungary.
Their main motivation is to collect money and send it home to their families. They subordinate everything to this, looking for overtime, and extra money. Then, of course, we also see examples of love between Hungarians and Filipinos. We know of cases where a Filipino guest worker and his Hungarian colleague are now husband and wife.
A cikk magyar eredetije itt olvasható.
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